Programming Environment Setup

Select Your Operating System

Ubuntu Linux

Mac OS X


Ubuntu Linux

Launch a terminal and run the following commands:

Change to your home folder.

$ cd $HOME

Install OpenJDK.

$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-17-jdk

Create lib and workspace folders.

$ mkdir lib workspace

Download stdlib.jar under ~/lib.

$ wget -P lib

Download dsa.jar under ~/lib.

$ wget -P lib

Set the environment variable PROJECT_HOME.

$ echo "export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/workspace" >> $HOME/.bashrc

Set the environment variable CLASSPATH.

$ echo "export CLASSPATH=.:./out:$HOME/lib/stdlib.jar:$HOME/lib/dsa.jar" >> $HOME/.bashrc

Download and install IntelliJ (Community Edition).

To test your environment, download and unzip the dummy project under ~/workspace, launch IntelliJ and open ~/workspace/dummy_project, and run the following commands on the IntelliJ terminal:

$ javac -d out src/
$ java HelloWorld

Mac OS X

Launch a terminal and run the following commands:

Change to your home folder.

$ cd $HOME

Install brew.

$ /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install OpenJDK and wget.

$ brew install openjdk@17 wget

Create lib and workspace folders.

$ mkdir lib workspace

Download stdlib.jar under ~/lib.

$ wget -P lib

Download dsa.jar under ~/lib.

$ wget -P lib

Set the environment variable PROJECT_HOME.

$ echo "export PROJECT_HOME=$HOME/workspace" >> $HOME/.zshenv

Set the environment variable CLASSPATH.

$ echo "export CLASSPATH=.:./out:$HOME/lib/stdlib.jar:$HOME/lib/dsa.jar" >> $HOME/.zshenv

Download and install IntelliJ (Community Edition).

To test your environment, download and unzip the dummy project under ~/workspace, launch IntelliJ and open ~/workspace/dummy_project, and run the following commands on the IntelliJ terminal:

$ javac -d out src/
$ java HelloWorld


Launch a powershell terminal and run the following commands:

Change to your home folder.

$ cd $HOME

Create lib and workspace folders.

$ mkdir lib,workspace

Download stdlib.jar under ~/lib.

$ wget -O lib\stdlib.jar

Download dsa.jar under ~/lib.

$ wget -O lib\dsa.jar

Set the environment variable PROJECT_HOME.

$ setx PROJECT_HOME "$HOME\workspace"

Set the environment variable CLASSPATH.

$ setx CLASSPATH ".;.\out;$HOME\lib\stdlib.jar;$HOME\lib\dsa.jar"

Download and unzip OpenJDK 17 for Windows under some folder, say C:\jdk17. Run the following command in a powershell terminal:

Update the environment variable PATH to include the C:\jdk17\bin folder.

$ setx PATH "$env:PATH;C:\jdk17\bin"

Download and install IntelliJ (Community Edition). Launch IntelliJ, go to ConfigureSettingsToolsTerminal, and set Shell path to powershell.

To test your environment, download and unzip the dummy project under ~/workspace, launch IntelliJ and open ~/workspace/dummy_project, and run the following commands on the IntelliJ terminal:

$ javac -d out src/
$ java HelloWorld